Friday, July 9, 2010

More Web Tool Exploration

On Sunday, I spent several hours experimenting with Audacity. I edited a podcast about rescuing sea turtles in the Gulf of Mexico. I then found images that would be great to make into a slideshow. I tried for a long time to get these two to work together but was unsuccessful. I do see the benefits of Audacity and am looking forward to using it for editing particular selections.
Other than this tool and Create a Graph, which I previously blogged about, I have spent most of the week writing our midterm reflection and exploring the numerous data sets online. However, I did find time to research Edmodo some after reading about it from other classmates posts. Also, I am in the process of learning more about VoiceThread. I have played with it some, but my attempts are not ready to be posted here with this blog.

1 comment:

  1. You may find VoiceThread to be a pretty easy way to synch audio to a slide show-
